Miscellaneous points to note
  1. When you launch BuddySpace or indeed any Jabber client and connect to our server at jabber.open.ac.uk or im-students.open.ac.uk, you will see not only any personal roster items (groups/contacts) that you gather over time, but more importantly some pushed roster items that (currently) begin with the string '[OU]'. For example, CoAKTinG project members will see a group called [OU] CoAKTinG which automatically includes people relevant to the CoAKTinG project. Others users have comparable (and often multiple) groups automatically 'pushed' to the roster, such as '[OU] KMi' (featuring more than 60 KMi-ers), and specific rosters for courses such as '[OU] L203-all' and even specific regional/tutor groups with those courses, such as '[OU] L203-R01'
  2. An automatically-created group called '[OU] Broadcasters' contains 'special' agents that you can send a message to, which will then be broadcast in real time to all people belonging to that group. In our case, there are a few of them, such as 'All CoAKTinG users' and 'All KMi users' (you will see each one for which you are a group member, as determined by our server in advance), and at the moment, these agents appear as 'offline'... This means you can only see them when you have your client 'Show All Users' (as opposed to 'Show only online users', which is frequently a personal preference)... this option appears in the 'View' menu of BuddySpace, and in similar places for other Jabber clients. A better way to reach many people at once is to right-click on a group 'folder' name and then send a message to the whole group, or only those online within the group.
  3. Your own 'self' identify is shown using a special 'grey dot' symbol.
  4. To send a file to an individual, you must first 'open up' the individual by clicking on the 'expand folder' symbol to the left of their presence icon (as illustrated by the highlighted 'Eisenstadt, Marc' in figure 6), which then reveals which resource they are using (i.e. specifics they have provided about client or location).... Right-click on a resource to pop up the Send File