Quick Setup Guide
Overview presentation about BuddySpace (8 minutes)
Tours (downloadable video files)
The movie
files below can be launched directly in your browser (click on the 'size',
e.g.' 7.8MB', to launch), or save to your hard disk (right-click or
CMD-Click on Mac, and select 'Save Target As...').
movies show the full manual download/unzip sequence
for 'Do-It-Yourself' users; these steps are unnecessary if you have
obtained the full 'easy-install' Windows or Mac versions

Quick Start: Get it, launch it,
set login & prefs
1. Get it
- Windows users: use the .exe
easy-install download option from the Full
Download choice on the downloads page, and locate the double-clickable
icons to launch BuddySpace. During the installation, you will be offered
the option of placing a shortcut/alias into your system startup folder
(called simply 'Launch BuddySpace when Windows starts?'... highly
- Mac OS X users: Use the .sit
easy-install download option from the Full
Download choice on the downloads page. This will create a 'disk
image' on your desktop called BS2.1.1 which will have a folder called
'BuddySpace' inside: drag that BuddySpace folder into a new location/folder
of your own choice. Also drag the BuddySpace application icon into
your System Preferences... Login Items so that it auto-launches when
you start up/login.
- For Do-It-Yourself users (all platforms):
unzip your download (files can be stored anywhere), then find and
run (or double-click) the file buddyspace.bat (PC) or buddyspace.sh
(Unix/Linux/Mac). Mac OS X (10.1 or newer) users may have to open
the Terminal program, found in the Applications_Utilities folder,
and re-type the command line string found within buddyspace.sh (see
a typical
tutorial for advice on how to get this Terminal program 'Command
Line Interface' running).
2. Launch it (double-click desktop icon or
.bat file as above)
3. Login details (when launching, or via leftmost
toolbar button)
Login: my.name%myorganization.com
(note % instead of @!!!)
Password: **** (get first or new: buddyspace.org/webAdmin)
Resource: BuddySpace2.5.1pro (arbitrary text
buddyspace.org (or jabber.open.ac.uk for pre-Feb-2004 groups*)
Port: 5223 (or 5222 if not using SSL)
[X] Use SSL connection (recommended)
[*Non-OU users of jabber.open.ac.uk change password here]
OR use a public server, make up your own details and tick 'New User'
4. Spend 3 minutes browsing Preferences
5. Add contacts (see full User
Guide for more)