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Project partners
University of Oxford University of Oxford
The main partner of the project is the Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics department of this oldest English-speaking university in the world.
The Open University The Open University
The country's formost distance teaching institution with more than 200,000 people studying its courses. Two of its departments are involved in this project - Earth Sciences and Knowledge Media Institute (KMi).
The Open University University of Reading
Reading's Department of Meteorology is the one of the leading partners in the project providing their expertise mainly in the analysis of climate and meteorological data.
Met Office The Met Office
One of the world's leading providers of environmental and weather-related services. Its research institute Hadley Centre authored the model used in our experiment.
The UK Universities' Global Atmospheric Modelling Programme, funded by NERC, is helping to strengthen the role of the UK universities in the vital area of numerical modelling of the large scale atmosphere.
CLRC The British Atmospheric Data Centre
CCLRC is an independent, non-departmental public body of the Office of Science and Technology, part of the Department of Trade and Industry. CCLRC partner for this project is Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Oxfordshire).
Tessella Tessella
Tessella is a software services company supporting scientific, technical and engineering establishments - its mission is to provide scientists and engineers with software services of the highest quality.
Research Systems Research Systems
RSI is a provider of complete high-performance data visualization and analysis solutions including software, consulting and training that turn complex data into useful information. RIS is part of the Eastman Kodak Company.
National Environmental Research Council National Environmental Research Council
NERC is project's main funding body with a mission to promote and support high quality basic, strategic and applied research in terrestrial, marine and freshwater biology, and also in Earth, atmospheric and oceanographic sciences.