(updated 25th November 2013)
These statistics relate to the 2,002 days (286 weeks) since our launch into iTunes U on 3rd June 2008. In that time we have had:
- over 9,015,700 visitors downloaded files
- Currently averaging*87,500 downloads a week
- 87.5% of visitors from outside the United Kingdom (based on last 180 days of traffic)
- 449 collections containing 3,485 tracks (1,638 audio, 1,847 video)
320 of the collections contain audio visual material taken from 186 courses
129 of the collections contain non-course specific material
98.1% of the tracks have transcripts (in PDF format) - 423 OpenLearn study units as eBooks (ePub), representing over 5,000 hours of study
- 79 iTunes U Courses
- Currently delivering an average* of 0.3 TB of data a week, with a further estimate of 1-2 TB delivered via Akamai, based on historical data before the use of Akamai
* average is based on last 4 weeks traffic