The Lunar virtual microscope was produced by: Andy Tindle and Simon Kelley in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the Open University.

The Open University virtual microscope was developed by Peter Whalley in the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University with help from Jon Linney and Chris Valentine.

Andy Sutton in Learning and Training Solutions at the Open University is thanked for additional help in programming this version of the virtual microscope.

Special thanks to Everett Gibson, Gary Lofgren and Charles Meyer at the NASA Johnson Space Center, USA, for their help in selecting the lunar samples and making them available for imaging.

Special thanks also to Neville Hollingworth at the Science and Technology Research Council, UK, for allowing access to their NASA lunar sample collection.

Zoomable images created using Zoomify.

More information on The Open University virtual microscope project can be found on the website