Tag Archives: sip
Trunking calls between Asterisk servers with IAX2.
At the end of last week we managed to create an IAX to IAX trunk between 2 asterisk servers on the local wired LAN. IAX trunking is a way to connect multiple Asterisk servers and allow clients of different servers … Continue reading
MeetMe testing
Last Wednesday we did some testing of our Asterisk MeetMe setup, at dekspc medialab in London. Setting up the Asterisk server on the local wired LAN and assembling an assortment of 6 SIP clients, using Ekiga on both Windows and … Continue reading
Set up Asterisk conference calling with MeetMe.
I made my first (2-way) conference call on Asterisk/Meetme just now. To enable MeetMe with Asterisk, you first need to edit your meetme.conf in /etc/asterisk/ , mine looks like this:
Sipdroid works on G1 Android 1.5
Good news sipdroid works with our Asterisk server. Following up on a lead I received from Ben Charlton at the JISCRI developers workshop last week, I tried running sipdroid on a borrowed G1 Android phone (big thanks to Paul Hogan). … Continue reading