ERA: Enhancing Fieldwork Learning in South Wales

This weekend we’ve been at the Field Studies Council’s Margham Discovery Centre,ย  on the hills overlooking Port Talbot steelworks. The Enhancing Fieldwork Learning project kindly invited us to demonstrate ERA technology to key UK fieldwork education practitioners alongside an engaging 2-day programme of presentations, discussions and traditional Welsh weather.

Delegates at the Enhancing Fieldwork Learning showcase event taking part in the demonstration of the ERA toolkit.

Delegates at the Enhancing Fieldwork Learning showcase event taking part in the demonstration of the ERA toolkit.

Jennie, Derek and Alison using a netbook computer on a temporary local wireless network used for sharing data within groups on a fieldwork course.

A short video of the Enhancing Fieldwork Learning showcase event at Margam Field Studies Centre. Chris Thomson from JISC Netskills shot and edited the video on his iPhone (3GS) using the Vimeo video editing app.

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