Project overview
Semantic tools
Official website
Partners & sponsors
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Briefly about:
The is the largest climate modelling experiment ever undertaken and builds upon hundreds of millions of dollars of international research effort over the past 20-30 years. It uses a state-of-the-art simulation of the climate system, which runs on thousands of users' PCs. Project participants will be able to download and run different parametrizations of a climate simulation program, thus providing data for studying climate change.
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Challenge for KMi:
KMi's role in the project is to develop a robust semantic web portal for the community of participants. A mixture of technologies will be used to support rich interactive facilities (incl. discussion forums, news service, conferencing and instant messaging). This portal will also use state-of-the-art semantic web technology (developed in KMi) to provide fully customisable 'semantic filters' that can be placed over any web-based document (whether local or remote), and provide the user with the context of identified 'concepts-of-interests'.
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Magpie is an experimental Semantic Web 'filter' developed at The Open University's Knowledge Media Institute.
It works as a streamlined toolbar that sits within your web browser, and helps you find and further elaborate things you
are interested in.
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LATEST NEWS presented to OU Council:
Marc Eisenstadt and Martin Dzbor presented the project and the early prototypes of the technologies to the OU Council during its residential meeting on Friday, 20th of September. The audience, which included the Vice-Chancellor, PVCs and Deans welcomed the innovative approach to a hot problem, and expressed their interest in the project and the implications for the OU.