
The COMRADES team has established two new synergies with the EU funded projects EDI-Net and POWER. We are pleased to welcome these initiatives to our network!


EDI-Net: Improve your city's sustainable energy and water management by joining the Energy Data Innovation Network (EDI-Net) initiative

EDI-Net assists in building your city's or region's capacity to more effectively implement sustainable energy policies. Therefore it is analysing short time series metered energy and water data from public buildings, from renewable energy systems and from building energy management systems (BEMNS) in order to reduce energy consumption and to save money. Our initiative can help monitor the implementation of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans or your city's or region's local Climate Protection Plans. It can also help set financial budgets for energy and water consumption. Three Key Demonstration Sites - Catalonia (Spain), Leicester (UK) and Nuremberg (Germany) - will share their knowledge and experience with you.

Website: cordis.europa.eu/project/id/695916



POWER - A social response to global water issues

The project “Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges” (POWER) is an EU funded project under the H2020 call which started in December 2015. It supports cities throughout the world to improve their water management to modifications caused by climate change and urbanisation.The project aims to set up an interactive Digital Social Platform (DSP) for the expansion and governance of existing water networks. This is reached by engaging on a large scale with stakeholders in the co-creation and delivery of digital products and services to citizens involving awareness-raising, new policy initiatives and deployment. Four co-operation partners like municipalities and water industries have been selected to share their experiences of their ongoing work in the field of water. Milton Keynes in England is working to reduce water consumption, the Spanish city of Sabadell has established an information system on its two water qualities, the British city of Leicester is working to predict its surface water flood risk and Jerusalem which is suffering from limited water supplies is diminishing water losses.

Website: www.power-h2020.eu

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