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Creating an XO presentation is simply a matter of importing a QuickTime movie and a series of 'slides', (Flash swf files, jpgs or gifs, or even other QuickTime movies!), into the XO Editor application. The XO Editor provides an easy to use interface, that allows you to 'collect' and organize these resources into your XO Stage presentation. When you are finished, XO Editor will create a folder containing the complete presentation and all of its components - ready to run!



XO Backlot
Webcasting content management system.

XO Stage
QuickTime based replay client for video and slides. There is also a Flash version of the client in development (see XO Lite).

XO Editor
Companion editing tool to create XO Stage replays.

XO ButtonEd
XO Stage Launch button editor

XO Lite and XO Sync
Forthcoming projects.

Contact: Kevin Quick

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