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This QuickTime based viewer will combine a QuickTime movie with an accompanying slide show, which can be streamed over the internet or recorded on to CD. A streaming QuickTime movie can be created in multiple versions to satisfy a variety of clients with differing connection speeds. The slide show can be produced from a single Flash swf file containing multiple slides, or a number of individual swf files, or indeed any combination. These Flash files need to be contained inside QuickTime 'mov' files, which is a simple export option from the Flash application. Bitmap images in jpg or gif format may also be used, or even another QuickTime movie!

The presentation can run through automatically (for a kiosk application for example), or the viewer can jump to sections using the scrollable 'slide tray' which is created automatically from a list of section titles and times. Rewind, Play, Pause and Mute buttons are also provided for the convenience of the viewer.



XO Backlot
Webcasting content management system.

XO Stage
QuickTime based replay client for video and slides. There is also a Flash version of the client in development (see XO Lite).

XO Editor
Companion editing tool to create XO Stage replays.

XO ButtonEd
XO Stage Launch button editor

XO Lite and XO Sync
Forthcoming projects.

Contact: Kevin Quick

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