

The 14th International Conference On Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) took place in Albi, Occitane Pyrénéés – Mediterranée, France from the 21st to the 24th of May.

The main aim of the ISCRAM conference was to explore how the use of Information System domain can help to improve and contribute to Crisis and Disaster Management. The scope was especially wide since “Information System” referred to social, psychological, organizational and technological aspects amongst others. The term “Crisis and Disaster Management” attributed to all kinds of events that significantly affect the human kind, from natural disasters to terrorist attacks covering all types of accidents.

The paper titled “*Presentation of DoRES — A Three-tier Ontology for Modelling Crises in the Digital Age*” was written and submitted by members of the COMRADES consortium. Specifically, Grégoire Burel, Lara Piccolo, Kenny Meesters and Harith Alani co-wrote the paper which was presented on the final day of the conference during the “Respective Avenues” sessions by Grégoire Burel.

The paper’s main theme concerned the importance of collecting, organizing, analyzing and sharing critical information during emergency crises. That was the concept behind the creation of the DoRES ontology. According to the abstract: «We propose the DoRES ontology for representing information sources, consolidating it into reports and then, representing event situation based on reports. Our approach is guided by the analysis of 1) the structure of a widely used situation awareness platform; 2) stakeholder interviews, and; 3) the structure of existing crisis datasets».

The DoRES ontology model will be applied to real world crisis situations to see how it behaves in the field by integrating it into a community resilience platform. Moreover, domain knowledge will be developed to be used complementary to the DoRES ontology.

You can find the paper in its totality here

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