
The COMRADES team is thrilled to announce its latest collaborations with four different EU funded projects. All of the projects are part of the CAPS initiative (Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation) and aim to create awareness of emerging sustainability challenges and of the role that each and every one of us can play to ease them trough collective action. Specifically, form now on we will collaborate with:

Capsella – Collective Awareness Platform for Environmentally –sound Land Management based on Data Technologies and Agrobiodiversity: CAPSELLA - Collective Awareness Platform for Environmentally-sound Land Management based on Data Technologies and Agrobiodiversity, with its strong button up approach, aims at raising awareness about the agrobiodiversity domain and addressing major sustainability threats on several layers: ecological, societal, economic, food quality.

HackAIR – Collective Awareness for Air Quality: Air pollution is an environmental issue with serious health and lifespan implications. It remains difficult for citizens to assess their exposure to air pollution and air quality issues in their country.

ASSET- a new form of consumerism: Giving consumer the power and voice to make a shopping choice that matters www.asset-consumerism.eu

EMPATIA- Solutions for Democracy: Empatia is the first hands-on digital platform for creating and managing a coherent participatory system that integrates multiple channel of citizens' engagement in one simple solution. Empatia mission is to promote inclusion, higher quality deliberation, better voting mechanisms, transparency and accountability in city management.



SavingFood project – a two years EU funded project by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme – aiming at offering a novel approach to tackle food waste, by turning the environmental issue into an innovative solution to fight hunger through the redistribution of surplus food to welfare organisations that support people in need.

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