
Background reading setting the context for e-Dance

Dance and Digital Media

Auslander, P. (1999) Liveness: Performance in a Mediatized Culture, Routledge

Bench, H. (2006) “Hyperdance: Dance Onscreen, Dance Online – Exploring the Internet as a Site for Dance Performance” in ScreenDance: The State of the Art International Conference proceedings Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

Broadhurst, S. & Machon, J. (eds.) (2006) Performance and Technology: Practices in Virtual Embodiment and Interactivity, Palgrave

Broadhurst, S. (2007) Digital Practices: Aesthetic and Neuroesthetic Approaches to Performance and Technology, Palgrave

Coyne, R. (1999) Technoromanticism: digital narrative, Holism and the romance of the Real, MIT Press

Dixon, S (2006) Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art and Installation, MIT Press

Dodds, S (2004) Dance on screen; Genres and Media from Hollywood to Experimental Art, Palgrave

Friedberg, A. (2006) The Virtual Window: From Alberti to Microsoft, MIT Press

Glesner, J. (2002) “Internet Performances as Site-Specific Art” in Body, Space, Time  Journal No. 1, Vol. 3 London: Brunel University

Goldberg, K. (Ed.) (2000) The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

Kaye, N. (2007) Multi-Media Performance: video, installation, performance, London: Routledge

Lefebvre, H. (1993) The Production of Space, Blackwell

Naugle, L. (2002) “Distributed Choreography in a Video-Conferencing Environment” Performing Arts Journal, 71 (21)

Pearson, M & Shanks, M. (2001) Theatre/Archaeology, Routledge

Popat, S. (2006) Invisible Connections: Dance, Choreography and Internet Communities, Routledge

Rush, M. (1999) New Media in Late 20th Century Art, Thames & Hudson

Memetic: Replayable, Annotatable Access Grid for e-Science

Buckingham Shum, S., Slack, R., Daw, M., Juby, B., Rowley, A., Bachler, M., Mancini , C., Michaelides, D., Procter, R., De Roure, D., Chown, T., and Hewitt, T. (2006). Memetic: An Infrastructure for Meeting Memory. Proc. 7th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems, Carry-le-Rouet, France, 9-12 May. [PrePrint:]

Buckingham Shum, S., Selvin, A., Sierhuis, M., Conklin, J., Daw, M., Rowley, A., Juby, B., Michaelides, D., Slack, R., Bachler, M., Mancini, C., Procter, R., De Roure, D., Chown, T. and Hewitt, T. (2006). From gIBIS to Memetic: Evolving a Research Vision into a Practical Tool. In: Design Rationale: Problems and Progress, Workshop in conjunction with Second International Conference on Design Computing & Cognition (8-12 July, 2006), Eindhoven, Netherlands. []

Daw, M., Bachler, M., Buckingham Shum, S., Chown, T., De Roure, D., Hewitt, T., Juby, B., Mancini, C., Michaelides, D., Procter, R., Rowley, A. and Slack, R.(2005). Meeting Memory Technologies Informing Collaboration. All Hands Meeting (19 – 22nd September) Nottingham, UK. []

Hypermedia Discourse

Mancini, C. and Buckingham Shum, S.J. (2006). Modelling Discourse in Contested Domains: A Semiotic and Cognitive Framework. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 64, (11), pp.1154-1171. [PrePrint:]

Uren, V., Buckingham Shum, S.J., Li, G. and Bachler, M. (2006) Sensemaking Tools for Understanding Research Literatures: Design, Implementation and User Evaluation. Int. Jnl. Human Computer Studies, 64, (5), pp.420-445. [PrePrint:]