

Are you a network or an organisation active in Europe in the domain of biodiversity based agriculture?

Take advantage of the CAPSELLA on-line map to register and increase your visibility. By registering you are given the opportunity to highlight the challenges that you are facing and either a related farmer and/or one of the CAPSELLA agrobiodiversity expert might be in the position to find a solution and suggest you what to do.

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CAPSELLA OPEN DATA WORKSHOP One of the pillars of CAPSELLA’s activities is to spread the word about the added value for farmers to use and share open data. Given the importance of this topic, the CAPSELLA Consortium has planned the organisation of a focused event, which is the CAPSELLA Open Data workshop. The event will be held in Chania on Friday June the 2nd 2017 in conjunction with the Open Harvest 2017 and will feature three different sessions, namely (a) data governance and licensing, (b) data sharing and (c) data publication.

Presentations will be provided among others by representatives from French National Agronomic Institute (INRA), Wageningen University & Research (WUR), the CGIAR, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), the Indian Statistical Institute, the Open Data Institute (ODI), Agrimetrics, CABI, University of Guelph, Global Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN), Georgetown University, Camden BRI, and the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA).

The CAPSELLA open data workshop will open with a keynote speech from Paul Stacey, Associate Director of Global Learning in Creative Commons.

Further information and agenda will be available soon on the CAPSELLA website.



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